

Private Readings

Spiritual Counceling

Nancy S Ryall
Mediumship. When does it begin? There are different answers for everyone, but for me it was always a part of my life. It started out as a gift that was not well understood or controlled, but through guidance, instruction, and life experience my abilities grew and defined themselves into evidential mediumship which spans many avenues of Spirit expression.
I am a Spiritualist Minister, ordained by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) current founder of HARMONY of Spirit, our weekly mediumship event and celebration of spiritualism. I am former Pastor of JT and EJ Crumbaugh Church in Le Roy, IL, the founding Pastor of Spiritualist Chapel in the Woods in Cherry Valley, IL.and director of Cherry Valley Spiritualist Camp. I am currently the editor of Yours Fraternally, the newsletter for the International Spiritualist Federation (ISF), and I also serve as the Regional Representative for the ISF in the Eastern portion of the USA. I am a Certified Medium, healer,and Spiritualist Missionary for the NSAC and a member of the Morris Pratt Institute, the educational auxiliary of the NSAC. I am a member of the International Spiritualist Federation (ISF) which is an international organization that promotes Spiritualism, education, love, and the brotherhood of mankind through the principles of Spiritualism. I offer online classes, workshops, and private readings. We hope to soon include a store that will feature items to assist in the demonstration of Spiritual phenomena, music, and meditations.
I am a retired RN with a baccalaureate degree in Nursing and Masters work in Public Health. I have written and performed music with my husband, Gary, for many years. We are past Regional Directors of the International New Thought (INTA) Music Committee and former Vice President of the Rock River Friends of Folk Music.
My personal objective is to serve Spirit in every way possible and to serve humanity through my service to Spirit. I have dedicated my life to this pursuit. My true and sincere wish is that every person I meet will leave feeling better or happier in some way. My hope is to bring comfort and solace to those in sorrow and to stimulate thought and discourse for those who come with curiosity. If not answers....then new and deeper questions. I wish you healing, happiness, and a beautiful journey.